April 10, 2008

Plank Series (abs, glutes)

I recommend completing these exercises as follows: Forearm Plank (1 hold), Half Forearm Plank;Single leg abduction on the right leg, Forearm Plank; Single knee lift on the right leg, Side Forearm Plank Abduction on the right leg, Forearm Plank (1 hold), Half Forearm Plank; Single leg abduction on the left leg, Forearm Plank; Single knee lift on the left leg, Side Forearm Plank Abduction for the left leg.

**Repeat to complete the suggested number of sets as recommended in each plank description.

Forearm Plank

Lay down facing floor, resting on forearms and balls of feet with knees on floor, clasp palms together, keeping elbows in line with your shoulders. Straighten your knees so that your back and neck are parallel to the floor. Contract your ab muscles and hold still.

Hold for 30 seconds, rest by returning knees to floor for 30 seconds. Repeat to complete 6 holds of 30 seconds each. Complete this exercise 4 days a week.

Forearm Plank; Single leg abduction

Lay down facing floor, resting on forearms and balls of feet, clasp palms together and straighten legs (you're in a Forearm Plank position). Flex your right foot and lift it 12 inches off the floor. Slowly move it out to a 45 degree angle, and slowly return. Keep your shoulders down and relaxed and try to keep your hips stationary.

3 sets of 12 reps per leg
4 days/week

Forearm Plank; Single knee lift

Lay down facing floor, resting on forearms and balls of feet, clasp palms together and straighten legs (you're in a Forearm Plank position). Bend right knee so it touches the floor. Flex foot so the arch is facing ceiling. Slowly press foot upward until knee is hip-height; slowly return knee to just above floor. Keep your shoulders and hips stationary.

3 sets of 12 reps per leg
4 days/week

Side Forearm Plank Abduction

Lay on on the floor with your left forearm, left knee, and the inside of your right foot to support you. Your left knee is bent, your right leg is straight. Slowly lift your right leg to a point of slight discomfort; slowly lower to just above the floor. Contract your ab muscles as you lift your leg. Keep all but your lifting leg stationary.

3 sets of 12 reps per leg
4 days/week

1 comment:

Claire said...

Great post! I've been really seeking for recommendations on how to perform differet types of planks for my abs. Thanks for sharing your ideas on this. It would be very useful for me. I'll surely share this page to others.