February 18, 2009

6 weeks ends...this week!

Well how did you do on your push-ups?? I had a busy 6 weeks...a funeral, a wedding, TONS of work, and sick children...but I managed to keep up on the routine. In the middle of it my wrists began to hurt and I think I strained some chest muscles (both hurt pretty badly) but after a weekend of rest all was well again.

I really love the increased definition in my shoulders, arms, and upper back. I also did bent-over-rows to work my upper back so my front and back muscles would be more balanced while doing the push-up challenge.

What were your experiences? How much did you improve??

February 7, 2009

Bragging Rights...

People's HealthBlogger Awards

People's HealthBlogger Awards - Best 100 Winner!


I placed within the top 50! Thanks for all of your votes!!